Friday, October 31, 2014

Week of November 3rd

Reading:  We will continue on the topic of deforestation, focusing on nonfiction text features while we read War of the Woods. Students will be finding evidence for both sides of the argument- loggers vs. environmentalists.

We will be talking about how to make more interesting sentences by using conjunctions. We will  also begin an argumentative paragraph defending the side of environmentalists or loggers in the debate of deforestation!
We will begin looking at basic division problems early in the week, then start looking at strategies for larger division problems later in the week.
Science/Social Studies:
In science we’ll continue our animal unit with how organisms positively and negatively affect their environment.
In social studies we will begin discussing slavery and indentured servitude.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • Text Features test- Friday
  • PBL Vocab set #2- next Wednesday
  • Conjunctions test- next Wednesday
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 132 steps
Better- 240 steps
Captain of the Week:
         Our Captain of the Week is Nate Webber!! Nate always tries his best and gets along with others! He displays the character traits of: respect, initiative,   
         cooperation, and responsibility.  To find out what Nate learns throughout this week, follow us on Twitter @glay_jessica
 Reminders from the Marina:
-NO SCHOOL Tuesday due to Election Day!!!
-Historic Brattonsville field trip THURSDAY!! We will be outside ALL day-
rain or shine! Wear tennis shoes and dress appropriate for the weather. Get
to school @ 7am and come straight to the 4th grade hall!
-A note went home last week about the PTA fundraiser. Please send it back
if your child would like to participate.
-Veteran’s Day program- Tuesday, November 11th- invite any veterans you know!

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