Monday, October 27, 2014

Our Wonder Reviews

We recently finish our novel study on Wonder and here's our official reviews:
Image result for wonder

Wonder i about a boy named August. But he has a facial deformity. He is going to school where there are bullies. Wonder is a very good book. It is about August who makes a lot of friends, but some bully him. My favorite part is where they run from Eddie and August loses his hearing aid. That part is so exciting. If you love action, sadness, and also happy moments I highly recommend this book for you. 

The book wonder is a very good   book.the book wonder is about a boy named augest how is deformed  and inconters bullying.he  has had 27 surgires .my faveret part of the book is when augest got a lot of frinds.this is a book for peple wohe like how hard it is to survie when you are deformed.
Sincerely, Edward

The book wonder is the best book ever. There is a kid named August and his face is deformed. So he gets bullied in school because of his face. He also as had 27 surgeries.  He has 1 friend named Jack. My favorite part was when he got a new puppy. Do not be mean to someone even if they are different or cannot do something.
Sincerely Ethan

The book I’m choosing is wonder. I think it is great because it is about standing up to bullies and it is about making friends. It is about a boy named August and how he goes to school for the first time because he has a face deformality. My  favorite part of the book is when August makes his first best friends. I recommend this book to anyone who likes friendship books because it is about friendships  and how to be kind to one another. ☺☺
I think wonder was a great book.  Its  just how people stanted up to him in parts of the book. It was just amasing.   Its about a kid named august. Hes never been to a real school but now he is. And he has been bullied a lot by pretty much all the school.  My favorite part is when this kid named Amos. He Amos stands up to this random…… bullie! And pushes him down. Because the bullie made fun and really heart august will love this book trust me you will like it a lot it teaches you about bulling and how to handle it 

The book wonder is sad. you should read it a lot. You would love it. It is the best book. I like this book a lot. The book wonder is about a kid named Augst. He is getting bullyed by a boy named Juilan. He has a lot of bad stuff on his face. He had 27 sugeries. He has friends  help him . I have a connection with Augst. I have been bullyed  befor. It was the 1st time I went  to school. I recommend this book to anyone who likes sad and good. you  should read this book and get it. It is very ,very ,very ,very good. It is sad in some parts. But if you like funny books  well buy it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Sicerely,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Graham
I love the book WONDED it is a wonderful book and I think you would like the book WONDER  because it is afantasket book.So I hope you would like the book WONDER and think it is fasanating  to. It's about this kid named August who is always been homeschooled until he had to start school at fith grage. And he hast to face obstacles like bullies bullying him. My favorite part in the book Wonder is when they told us about when August was born. I recommend this book Wonder to any one who like a little bit of drama.

My opion about the book wonder is that it is a very  great book because there is some amazing action kind of thing in the book wonder. The book wonder is about a kid name August that has 2 claif palits. He also get bullied by a kid name jullin  because of his face diform.My favorite part of the book wonder is when August got to start going to school and making some friends like Jack, Charlotte, and Summer. If you like the book be kind to others you should read Wonder because Wonder is all about being kind to others. 

I am telling you about a book named wonder. My opian about this book is it is a outstanding book. Wonder is about a kid named August and he has something wrong with his face. The book has a kid named August that always getting bullyed. And he had 27 surgerys . My favorite part about the book is when he goes to nature retret. I like that part because Jack says ‘’I got to take a wiz.’’ I will recommend people who likes bullying books. And people who likes reading books with alot of emotion.

   Sincerely Kyle

I think this is a great book I like the part were they go on the field trip. He is going to school he had 27 surgeries he got bullied by other kids about his face. I connect with august when I get an award in the cafeteria I got a standing ovation and he got a standing ovation. If you like the book mean jean you will like this book.
You should get this book wonder because it is a wonderful book it is great . you should try it you might like it very  much. wonder is about a book a kid that is deformed and it is his first time at school. An how he gets bulled by a group of them. I connect when august gets  bulled because my nabers like to bully me. I recommend this book if you like friendship books if you like chapter books and like emoshnl books about friends and family.

Sincerely, colby

This book is wonder by r.j is about a kid named august Pullman who has facial deformities and he doesn’t have a lot of friends because of his face. My favorite part was when kids that always bullied him then they stood up for him against a seventh grader. If you like books about kindness you will LOVE  this book☺☺☺☺.
                     Sincerely, Hayden
The book wonder is where you wonder what this boy’s life is like.
This is about a kid named august how had 27 srugries and is going to school for the first time,he also encoters lot’s of bullying thourgh out the school year.
I have been bulled a lot by a girl it hurt my feeling’s and I was scared to tell the teacher.
If you like kidness books you will like wonder by R.J  Placio.

Thank you for your time,

Wonder by R j palacio is about a boy named  august Pullman has to go to school and go thro meny  abostcools incolding  bulling  August has had 27 srgeres ever sens he was a babey  my  favorite  part is ween amos  stud  up for August even tho  his face was different if you like a book about bulling and friend ship books
I kind of like this book. Because August still goes to that school and does not give up to Julian [bully] and Jack Will. And Jack Will stops bullying August. August is bullied by some of the kids but he can’t do anything to them. And even one time they run into some bullies. One of them is Eddie and they start to fight a really strong fight. One time when I was fouled at my basketball practice when i was on the free point line the other team was yelling you can’t make it. But I believed in my self and I made two shots. It connects with the book wonder because August was bullied but he didn’t give up even to seventh graders bullies like Eddie [was a strong bully]. But when he stood up to all of those bullies and became a hero at the end. I recommend anyone who likes sad and surprising chapter books could read this book wonder. Because he is an interesting boy about who you would like to read. But people bully him and he stands up to them read more to find out.
Sincirely Dimitriy.

I really liked this book it had sad and happy points in the book.First  August said I’m not an ordaniry kid.He had had 27 surgreys since he was born.He had plastic surgrey and a cleft palate.he started sch in 5th grade and it was hard for him.My favorite part was when his mom said you really are a wonder aggie you’re a wonder. I recommend reading this book if you like sad and happy books.
I love the book wonder I love the way Palocio put the book like the main idea.
Wonder is about a kid named August who has many facil deformities and how he is going to a new school he makes friends like there are two kids Jack and Summer who be nice to him and are his friends there is one kid named Juilian who bullys him 
I can make a connection to Jack. Like at one part of the book no one talks to him one time none of my friends would talk to me
I recommend this book to anyone who likes storys about friendship and bullys and comedy 

 The book is called wounder and it is a pretty good I say that beceause it is a book do not let people be mean to you. 
Every body needs to learn to egnore bullies and do not care about them.If a bully comes up to you just look away .Just do not mind them. 
I think every body should a standing ovation witch means every  body should feel speaciel once in your life
 I think people who do not egnore bullies or people who are bullies.

This book is called "Wonder" and it is about a kid named August and he is homeschooled then he goes to a real school and he gets bullied because of his face. The book Wonder is about a kid named August and his face is different so he is homeschooled. Then he goes to 5th grade for the first time in his life. He had 27 surgeries and he got bullied because of his face. My connection to this book is when people look at his face, because I have looked at someone's face before and then they looked at me and I turned around really fast. If you like bullying books this is for you because August in this book gets bullied. 

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