Friday, October 10, 2014

Buddy Bench Dedication

In case you were not able to make it to our Buddy Bench Dedication this morning, we have it on video!! Thank you to all who made this possible: parent volunteers, our builders (from our class- Ethan & Jaxson), our painters (from our class- Hayden, Dmitriy, and Hunter), EVERY student in the 4th grade who put their thumb print, Mrs. McCraw & our choir (Edward, Bodey, Graham, Jaxson, and Colby), our speech givers (Ben), Buddy Bench revealers (Mason & Brandon), and our ribbon cutter (Devin), the Rainbow Lake football players, and of course our OES administration for their constant support!





We also celebrated August Pullman's birthday today. August Pullman is the main character of the novel we just finished, Wonder. August faces many challenges in life due to his facial deformities. He starts attending school in 5th grade and has to overcome bullying in his school. We have learned so much about bullying and character from August, so we thought it was only right to celebrate his birthday today! At lunch we sang happy birthday to Auggie and enjoyed cupcakes on his behalf!

I am so proud of everything our fourth grade students have accomplished during our "Choose Kind" PBL. Not only have they learned a lot academically, but also in terms of character. I see evidence of the impact our PBL has had on my students on a daily basis. They are so kind and helpful to each other, and it really makes me proud to be an OES teacher. Today was such a great way to conclude our "Choose Kind" PBL and I am looking forward to our upcoming "Tread Lightly" PBL!

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