Monday, October 27, 2014

Tread Lightly PBL Kickoff!

Last week we kicked off our second PBL, "Tread Lightly" where we will be investigating the question: Why is it important to tread lightly on our Earth?!

We started by brainstorming ways that humans disrespect our Earth. To help get the point across, I had the poster taped to the ground so that students walked on it, spilled water on it, ripped it, etc. as they entered the classroom. 

We then started our study on text features. We made this anchor chart identifying different types of text features we see in nonfiction texts:

Then, we started reading War of the Woods: The Pacific Northwest Logging Argument to find text features and see how it helps us understand the text. We will soon be gathering evidence for both sides of the argument- loggers and environmentalists- and supporting our opinion with evidence from the text. 

Finally, on Friday, we heard the story of Freddy the Fish who started off in a clean stream that gave him all the resources he needs to survive. Then, he starts swimming downstream and encounters many kinds of pollution: litter, fertilizer, chemicals, etc. This not only affected Freddy's life, but also his home and his food! 

Clean, happy Freddy!

Goodbye, Freddy! :(

We are looking forward to more fun activities in our "Tread Lightly" PBL and learning about ways we can make our impact on the Earth a little more positive!! 

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