Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Our Rules to Live By

Do you have any rules that you think we should all live our life by? In the book Wonder, August's English teacher, Mr. Browne, presented the students with a new precept each month. At the conclusion of our novel study, students shared their own precepts that they believe are important in life. They could make up their own or use a quote from someone famous/someone they know, as long as they gave credit. Here are our rules to live by:

"You may never drive a tank or fly a bomber but you are in the kindness army and you can use your best weapon by being kind."-Bodey
"Do not do drugs and make good choices." -Nathan
"It does not matter what people call you." -Graham
"You should never give up, even if you are hurt, behind in a subject, or losing in a game." -Ethan
"Never quit on your 1st try." -Brandon
"Never give up." -Mason
"Be yourself because everyone else is already taken." -Lucas; written by Jessie
"It's going to be a good day." -Kyle; written by Ice Cube
"Stay calm like the ocean." -Hunter
"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. Any that is why I succeed." -Dmitriy; written by Michael Jordan
"Never give up on hard things in life." -Ben
"It's not enough to be kind. Choose love." -Edward
"Don't be happy to be mean to someone because then they are left out." -Devin
"Make your dreams come true. Take risks. Do not let your dreams die. Let them live." -Colby
"Everyone should be drug free." -Trenton
"To believe, you have to believe in yourself." -Matthew
"Always follow God's word and life manual so God will forgive you." -Hayden
"No matter what happens, never give up!" -Nate
"Sometimes it's good to hit the restart button and make the right choice." -Jaxson; written by Quiton Jr.

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