Monday, January 5, 2015

Week of January 5th

Reading: We will begin our poetry unit this week. We will be focusing on a type of free verse poetry called blackout poetry in which we will make a poem out of a newspaper article!

We will continue working on our action plan write up by working on the 1st two sections- 1) The problem we have identified in our community and 2) Our plan to fix it!
We will continue in our unit on fractions this week by comparing fractions by finding unlike denominators, and converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will continue our unit on electricity with circuits, conductors, and insulators.
In social studies we will continue battles of the  
  American Revolution.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • Poetry vocab test- FRIDAY
  • Action Plan Project DUE FRIDAY! Be finished with your plan and bring in all documentation.

100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 198 steps
Better- 360 steps
Reminders from the Marina:
*Don’t forget that the action plan needs to be complete with documentation ready
 to turn in on JANUARY 9TH!!
*Science Fun Night- January 12 at 6:30
*Chic-Fil-A Spirit Night- January 15th
*MLK Day- NO SCHOOL- January 19th
*Report cards go home- January 20th


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