Friday, January 23, 2015

Week of January 26

Reading: We will continue our poetry unit this week. We will be focusing on writing our own limericks. We will be studying a variety of genres of poems and keeping a poetry notebook.

In preparation for the ACT Aspire writing test, we will begin looking at on-demand writing while presenting our action plan projects to the class!
We will continue in our unit on fractions this week by converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions and adding/subtracting mixed numbers. This will include regrouping and simplifying.
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will FINISH our unit on magnetism.
In social studies we will finish our American Revolution unit with important Native Americans, women, and African Americans.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • Magnetism brochure project- DUE FRIDAY!
  • Poetry test- Friday; Look for a note about our POETRY CAFÉ!
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 233 steps
Better- 440 steps
    Captain of the Week:
    This week’s Captain of the Week is Joe Utley! Joe always tries his best in
    class and is on his best behavior. He displays the character traits of:
    sense of humor, curiosity, respect, initiative, and cooperation.  To see
    what Joe is learning throughout the week, follow us on
    Twitter @glay_Jessica
    Reminders from the Marina:
    *PTA Meeting/Science fair- Feb.  2nd at 6:30
    *Jump Rope for Heart week- Week of February 9th
    *Valentine’s Day party- February 13th
    *Poetry Café- February 13th at 10:00 in OES library
    *Interims go home- February 13th
    *Late start day- 2 hr delay for students- February 18th

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