Thursday, December 18, 2014

Junk Matters!

Yesterday a very special guest speaker came to speak to the 4th graders at Oakland Elementary School. Mr. Joseph McMillan is the owner of the company Junk Matters, a local single streaming recycling company. He spoke to our students about how he got the idea for his company, what Junk Matters does, and the importance of saving the world! What a great way to show students that what we are learning in our "Tread Lightly" PBL unit could lead to a future career! Thank you, Mr. McMillan!!

From the kids:
I learned that Junk Matters does single streaming recycling. This is when recycled things are placed in the same bin. I learned that Junk Matters has been in business for two years. I also learned that they have to work 10-12 hour days. Their name came from Mr. McMillan and his father brainstorming names. Junk Matters is helping to save the world by recycling a wider variety of objects.

To learn more about Junk Matters visit their website at:

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