Monday, January 26, 2015

Cleaning up an Oil Spill!

We were doing the BP oil spill. We had to clean the water and the birds. The supplies was a clear cup, Dawn Dish soap,  a cup of oil, cotton ball, a feather, a small sponge, 2 small buckets, a filter, then blue food coloring. 1st we poured blue food coloring in the water. 2nd we poured oil in the bucket of water. 3rd we tried to pour the oil with the water in the filter but the oil was to heavy so the oil leaked out. 4th we then put Dawn Dish soap and it separated the oil and we took the oil out and put it in the other bucket. 5th we took the feather out and clean it with the cotton ball. 6th we took the bubbles of the water so the fish wouldn’t eat it. 7th we took the oil of the floor of the water. That is how we cleaned the water.

By: Edward & Graham


1 comment:

  1. I love to see your boys blogging about their learning experiences! Thanks so much for sharing with us, Edward & Graham! Now, you're ready to be environmental engineers!
