Monday, January 12, 2015

Week of January 12

Reading: We will continue our poetry unit this week. We will be focusing on concrete poetry and a type of poem called a “Selfie Poem!” We will be studying a variety of genres of poems and keeping a poetry notebook.

We will continue working on our action plan write up by working on the last two sections- 3) The benefits of our project and 4) A description of what we did during our project.
We will continue in our unit on fractions this week by converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions and adding/subtracting mixed numbers.
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will finish and review our unit on electricity for our test Thursday! We will then begin magnetism.
In social studies we will continue battles of the
American Revolution.


Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • Science Electricity test- Thursday
  • Capitalization rules test- Friday
  • SS Battles test- Next week!
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good-  211 steps
Better- 380 steps
Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captain of the Week is Graham Blackwood! He has been on
his best behavior and is a great role model for others! Graham displays
the character traits of: curiosity, respect, creativity, and initiative.  To see
what we are learning throughout the week, follow us on
Twitter @glay_jessica
Reminders from the Marina:
*Graded papers will go home tomorrow!
*Science Fun Night- January 12 at 6:30
*Chic-Fil-A Spirit Night- January 15th
*MLK Day- NO SCHOOL- January 19th
*Report cards go home- January 20th
*School Spirit Day- January 23rd

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