Friday, September 5, 2014

Week of September 8th

Here's what's ahead for us this week:
We will continue with our novel study on the book Wonder along with reading and analyzing a book and song (poem) called Don’t Laugh at Me! We will be making inferences about the texts and talk about word choice and tone.
We finish drafting our memoirs this week. We will then discuss the difference between revising and editing so we can do this to our own memoirs. We will also be looking at how authors use dialogue in their own writing so we can use it in our memoirs!
We will continue to practice our basic multiplication facts and be discussing how to round numbers.
Students will be required to study multiplication flash cards for ten minutes a night until they master their facts. Please initial their studying log nightly. 
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will continue with safety precautions and the scientific method. We will use these skills when building and launching our own rockets this week!
In social studies we will test Native Americans Tuesday, then begin our explorers unit.
Upcoming Assessments:
  • We will have a unit test in social studies on Native Americans on Tuesday! STUDY hard on Monday night!
  • Science test on safety precautions and scientific method next Thursday!
100 BC Goals
Good- 44 steps
Better- 60 Steps

Captain of the Week
Our Captain of the Week is Kyle Johnson!! Kyle is always on his best behavior and regularly displays the character traits of: respect, responsibility, cooperation, organization, and problem solving. To find out what Kyle learns throughout this week, follow us on Twitter @glay_jessica
Reminders from the Marina:
-Goodies with Grandparents- Friday, September 12 (look for a note to
go home about this Monday!)
-PTA Open House- Tuesday, September 16 at 9:30
-Chic-Fil-A School spirit night and interims go home- September 18
-Field trip to Magic Wood Forest Festival- September 19. Turn in money and permission forms ASAP please!!
Help our classroom by donating to our classroom grant to get Legos to learn math with!


1 comment:

  1. Mrs. Glay's class, don't forget to sweet talk your parents into donating $ to our Lego grant. We are half way there already!!
