Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Explorer Memoirs

To integrate our Explorers unit in social studies and our most recent writing unit on Memoirs, today in class students wrote memoirs for our explorers. But there was a catch... the memoirs could only be SIX words!! Here is what the students came up with:

"Discovered land, met Indians, made connections" by Hayden & Graham (Christopher Columbus)
"Born in Italy, sailed to America" by Bodey & Kyle (Christopher Columbus)
"Explored Hudson River, Hudson Bay, Dutch" by Nathan & Dmitriy (Henry Hudson)
"Eric the Red, son Lief Erikkson" by Mason & Devin (Eric the Red/Lief Eriksson)
"Discovered the strait, valley, river, bay" by Brandon & Matthew (Henry Hudson)
"Robert LaSalle sailed the Mississippi River" by Ben & Joe (Robert LaSalle)
"Claimed New York and also Canada" by Colby & Jaxson (Henry Hudson)
"Henry River, Hudson Bay, 13 Colonies" by Ethan & Trenton (Henry Hudson)
"An Indian attack killed Ferdinand Magellan" by Lucas & Nate (Ferdinand Magellan)
"Christopher Columbus went to the Bahamas" by Hunter & Edward (Christopher Columbus)

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