Friday, September 12, 2014

Week of September 15

Here's what to expect this week:

We will continue with our novel study on the book Wonder. We will also be with making inferences, citing evidence, and working on comprehension with informational articles about random acts of kindness and books such as The Recess Queen.
We will begin our unit on types of letters by discussing the parts of a friendly letter. We will also be writing a letter to someone to show our appreciation to them, which goes along with our PBL topic this week of random acts of kindness!

We will continue to practice our basic multiplication facts and be discussing strategies to compare and add large numbers. Students will be required to study multiplication flash cards for ten minutes a night until they master their facts. Please initial their studying log nightly. 

Science/Social Studies:
In science we will review safety precautions and the scientific method for our test (Thursday), while beginning animal classification.
In SS we will continue in our explorers unit with the discoveries of the Spanish, English, and Portuguese.


Upcoming Assessments:

  • We will have a science test Thursday on safety precautions and the steps to a scientific investigation.
  • We will also have a reading test Thursday on our Wonder vocab & character traits

100 BC Goals:
Good- 55 steps
Better- 100 steps

Captain of the Week:
         Our Captain of the Week is Devin Roe!! Devin is such a hard-worker and regularly displays the character traits of: kindness, cooperation, respect,
responsibility, and problem-solving. Great job, Devin! To find out
what Devin learns throughout this week, follow us on Twitter @glay_jessica

Reminders from the Marina:
-PTA Open House- Tuesday, September 16 at 6:30
-Chic-Fil-A School spirit night and interims go home-September 18
-Field trip to Magic Wood Forest Festival- September 19. Turn in money
and permission forms ASAP please!! A note with important reminders
will be coming home MONDAY! Graded papers will go home Mon. too!


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