Friday, September 26, 2014

Week of September 29

We will continue with our novel study on the book Wonder. We will also be reading nonfiction articles about Buddy Benches, discussing text features, and building our own buddy benches for the playground!
We will continue our unit on types of letters by discussing the parts of a friendly letter. We will be writing advice letters to younger grades helping them with their bullying questions! We will also begin looking at letters to the editor.
We will continue to practice our basic multiplication facts and be discussing strategies to subtract large numbers. Students will be required to study multiplication flash cards for ten minutes a night until they master their facts. Please initial their studying log nightly. 
Science/Social Studies:
In science we’ll continue our animal unit w/ classification & animal senses.
In social studies we will continue in our explorer unit by discussing the Columbian Exchange.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • We will have a science animals classification test on Thursday.
  • We will have a test on our Wonder vocab set #3 next Tuesday.

100 Book Challenge Goals:
Good- 77 steps

Better- 140 steps

Captain of the Week:

         Our Captain of the Week is Ben Mabry!! Ben is a wonderful student and always actively participates in class. He displays the character traits of: sense of
          humor, respect, cooperation, and curiosity on a regular basis. To find out what Ben learns throughout this week, follow us on Twitter @glay_Jessica
Reminders from the Marina:
-Walk to School Day: Wednesday, October 8th
-Chic-Fil-A Spirit Night- Thursday, October 16th
-School Spirit Day- Friday, October 17th
-Parent-Teacher conferences will be held Oct. 21st & 23rd
-Parents- On the newsletter there is a note that says: sign anywhere on this newsletter for +5 extra credit on lowest test grade. Kids- Shhhh! Show me by Wednesday & don’t tell your friends!
Help our classroom by donating to our classroom grant to get Legos to learn math with!

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