Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Launching Rockets

Woosh,woosh,woosh that is the sound of rockets flying in the air. We made those rockets then we launched them it was very fun. The length of my rocket was 7in. I thought it would go the farthest,but it didn’t it went 22feet and 9 inches. The groups rocket that went the farthest was Bailey and Cameron with a 6in. rocket And it went 54feet. When we were deciding how to make it go  farther the second launch it was hard because the inches were really close to each other(the inches of the cylinder of the rocket was the one variable changed) there were a bunch of 6,7,and5 inches,but they went different lengthes. After we finished comparing the lengthes of the rockets we built new ones Haley and I chose to make the rocket 5in. When we relaunched the rocket it  went way farther then the last time. It went 46feet! But we didn’t win. Sarah and Hailey won with a 6 and a half inch rocket, it went 56feet!
By: Brayson J.

1 comment:

  1. It was lots fun, it took a lot of time but it was worth it. We also had to learned a bunch of safety rules.
