Thursday, September 26, 2013

Christopher Columbus Play

1,2,3,action! This play is about Christopher Columbus. How he sailed the ocean blue in 1492.Columbus went to the King of Portugal and asked for the King to pay and supply the journey .The King turned Christopher down .Then, Christopher went to the King and Queen of Spain told them his idea and they accepted his journey .Christopher went to make a plan. I think in a play you need to have a clear voice. The  part in this play where you need the expression on your face is when you say ‘You won’t be disappointed!’ That needs a look on your face and a smile like you’re   leaving. That’s the expression you need during that time. Its important to be very fluent. My Group used a lot of fluency. The best step I thought was very well played  by kevin’s Group was when we had  seating arrangements around the classroom. That helped a lot throughout the play.  

By Lauren C.

*This file was too large, so I had to break the play up into shorter clips. -Miss Glay

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