Sunday, September 8, 2013

Edible Landfills

This week in our Carbon Footprint PBL, we learned about landfills through nonfiction texts. Students learned that all of our garbage is dumped into a landfill, giving us even more reason to reduce, reuse, and recycle! We were able to use nonfiction text features like diagrams and cross-sections to learn about the layers of a landfill. We ended our week by making our very own edible landfills! Below are pictures of the cross-sections we used to learn about the layers and make our own landfills.

Finally, after lots of hard work and fun learning, we got to eat our landfills! If only real landfills could be this tasty...


  1. Dear Ranchers,

    Awareness is a powerful thing, isn't it? Through your words and your actions, you can bring true, lasting change to the issue of our growing carbon footprint. This is important work.

    When you have a minute, please watch the following video:

    Remember the story I recently read to your class, The Day the Crayons Quit? Remember, what I shared with you, the importance of creativity in solving problems? I love how the students in this video have turned something negative into something positive.

    So, what will you do to turn this negative situation into something positive? What will you do to bring a greater awareness to the problem of our growing carbon footprint. I know, as a group of bright "All Stars," you'll figure out a creative solution to this problem.

    "Make Success Happen!"

    Dr. P

  2. This video makes me realize how lucky we are to live in the US. Who knew such beautiful sounds could come from trash! Sincerely, Bailey Taylor

  3. Wow it's amazing how trash can make such nice sounding instruments! If we sit and think about it we can make lots of things out of our trash. Sincerely Cameron Mills
