Thursday, September 26, 2013

Christopher Columbus Play

1,2,3,action! This play is about Christopher Columbus. How he sailed the ocean blue in 1492.Columbus went to the King of Portugal and asked for the King to pay and supply the journey .The King turned Christopher down .Then, Christopher went to the King and Queen of Spain told them his idea and they accepted his journey .Christopher went to make a plan. I think in a play you need to have a clear voice. The  part in this play where you need the expression on your face is when you say ‘You won’t be disappointed!’ That needs a look on your face and a smile like you’re   leaving. That’s the expression you need during that time. Its important to be very fluent. My Group used a lot of fluency. The best step I thought was very well played  by kevin’s Group was when we had  seating arrangements around the classroom. That helped a lot throughout the play.  

By Lauren C.

*This file was too large, so I had to break the play up into shorter clips. -Miss Glay

Friday, September 20, 2013

Readers Arghhh Leaders!

Yesterday we leared about being a leader.  Mr.Phillps came in and told us a story about a pirate. He sounded really good he could even talk like a pirate. Mr.Phillps said he loved to play all kinds of music. He likes to play gutar , bass gutar , flute .He was a leader because he loved to tell storys  to other schools. He went to collage, got a degree and became a leader. He was a christshen because he loved to go to church and play music at church. He said his favoret book was the bible He said there are some good storys and some bad ones. He was very funny when he read the book. After he was done we all claped. He was a very good reader.

By: Sarah S.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Launching Rockets

Woosh,woosh,woosh that is the sound of rockets flying in the air. We made those rockets then we launched them it was very fun. The length of my rocket was 7in. I thought it would go the farthest,but it didn’t it went 22feet and 9 inches. The groups rocket that went the farthest was Bailey and Cameron with a 6in. rocket And it went 54feet. When we were deciding how to make it go  farther the second launch it was hard because the inches were really close to each other(the inches of the cylinder of the rocket was the one variable changed) there were a bunch of 6,7,and5 inches,but they went different lengthes. After we finished comparing the lengthes of the rockets we built new ones Haley and I chose to make the rocket 5in. When we relaunched the rocket it  went way farther then the last time. It went 46feet! But we didn’t win. Sarah and Hailey won with a 6 and a half inch rocket, it went 56feet!
By: Brayson J.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Scientific Process

We learned about the scientific process. First we learned about asking questions. Then we did research. After that we made a prediction about how long it should be in order to launch the rocket. Kaden and I thought that it should be 4 inches long. Finally we got to make our rocket. Kaden and I were so proud of our rocket. Today we are going to launch our rocket I am so excited.
By: Alyssa H.

Air Pollution in The Lorax

Tuesday in class we watched a video called the Lorax. Even though it is fantasy or fiction we still learned about our Earth and air pollution.I learned that air pollution is bad and the start is when you cut down one tree then one more and so on just for some little thing like in the video just a small little Thneed.One day all the people will have to leave and the poor animals that did not do no harm will too and in the Lorax the bears then the birds then the fish had to leave and the Oncelers family even left because they wanted to get alot of money.The Lorax told the Oncler stop just stop but he did not lisen so the Lorax left and a sign that was left said Unless.The Oncler had wondered for years what did that mean? If you dont do nothing it will get worse and worse and worse so just speak up make them listen. The sign meant unless someone like you helps it will get worse.

Bye Kayley .F.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Edible Landfills

This week in our Carbon Footprint PBL, we learned about landfills through nonfiction texts. Students learned that all of our garbage is dumped into a landfill, giving us even more reason to reduce, reuse, and recycle! We were able to use nonfiction text features like diagrams and cross-sections to learn about the layers of a landfill. We ended our week by making our very own edible landfills! Below are pictures of the cross-sections we used to learn about the layers and make our own landfills.

Finally, after lots of hard work and fun learning, we got to eat our landfills! If only real landfills could be this tasty...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Native American Homes

To follow up on yesterday's blog, here are our finished homes! We are so proud of our hard work! Don't they look great?!

Eastern Woodlands- Chickee
 Great Basin- Hogan

 Plains- Tepee and Earth Lodge

 Southwest- Pueblo

Pacific Northwest- Plankhouse

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Terrific Tuesday

Well, today was quite an eventful day to start our week off! This morning we had a very special visitor... Dr. Patterson! Our principal came to visit us this morning to read us a story called The Day the Crayons Quit. This very entertaining story taught students the importance of being creative and becoming problem solvers, two very important skills to have in fourth grade! The kids really enjoyed our visit with Dr. Patterson and it was great to them interacting with someone who is so important in our school! Below are some pictures of Dr. Patterson reading aloud to the students: 

We ended our day today by getting hands-on with our social studies content! Students got to build a home from our five Native American cultural regions. The students worked very hard and the homes turned out GREAT! I am very impressed with the students' hard work and creativity! Thank you SO much to everyone who donated materials for this fun activity! I am very proud of the students; they worked cooperatively and efficiently the entire time. I heard many positive comments exchanged between groups such as, "Wow, that looks good!" or "You guys are doing a great job!" My students continue to impress me with their willingness to go above and beyond not only academically and behaviorally, but also in terms of their character! What sweet students I have! Below are some pictures of the students in action. Pictures of our finished products will be coming soon!