Friday, December 5, 2014

Socratic Seminar

Today during class, students participated in a Socratic Seminar to debate the issue of deforestation in the Pacific Northwest. Students have been researching this issue and gathering evidence for both sides (loggers vs. environmentalists) throughout our Tread Lightly PBL. By reading War of the Woods: The Pacific Northwest Logging Argument students gained a firm understanding of both sides of the argument. Notes were taken throughout our reading to use as evidence later.


This week students learned about the life of Socrates to understand the idea behind the Socratic Seminar and how it was inspired. Then, to get an idea of what you SHOULD and SHOULDN'T do during a Socratic Seminar, students watched and took notes on some teacher-created examples:


(Sorry, turn your head for this one!)
Students practiced during a mock Socratic Seminar on a different topic mid-week. We then thought about some points and counter-points both sides could have to get us ready for our real Socratic Seminar.

Finally, students participated in our Loggers Vs. Environmentalists Socratic Seminar today. If students were in the inner circle, their job was to debate. If they were in the outer circle, their job was to take notes in order to coach their inner circle partner. Our schedule was:

As you can see in the photos and videos below, the students did a GREAT job with this!! They have clearly learned SO much through our PBL not only on this real-world issue, but also about using evidence to support their viewpoint. Way to go, boys! I am super proud of you! :)


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