Friday, December 5, 2014

Week of December 8

Reading: We will finish reading articles about eco-friendly inventions and continue working on paraphrasing & summarizing.  We will also be working on some other comprehension activities with PBL-related nonfiction texts.

We will finish our five paragraph letter to King George pretending we are either Loyalists or Patriots. Then, we will begin writing about the PROBLEM we have identified in our ACTION PLAN!
We will continue in our unit on fractions this week by looking at finding equivalent fractions. We will also begin to look at strategies to compare fractions.
Science/Social Studies:
In science we’ll review and test our light unit.
In social studies we will be discussing the Declaration of Independence.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • Reading vocab test (Socrates words)- Wednesday
  • Sci. light test-  Friday

100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 176 steps
Better- 320 steps
Captain of the Week:
         This week our Captain of the Week is Matthew Stark! Matthew always has a
positive attitude and brings great energy to our classroom! He displays
          the character traits of: creativity, curiosity, and respect. To see what Matthew is learning throughout the week, follow us on Twitter @glay_jessica
Reminders from the Marina:
*Students should begin planning then carrying out their ACTION PLAN this week!
Remember, it needs to be complete with documentation ready to turn in on
*Look for a note going home MONDAY about our Christmas Plan to help out
my past student, Gavin!
PTA/4th Grade Christmas Program- Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 6:30
½ Day for students- Fri., Dec. 19, Christmas break the 19th- Jan. 4th

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