Friday, November 14, 2014

Week of November 17

Reading:  We will be discussing the 3 R’s- reduce, reuse, and recycle- by reading and analyzing both fiction and nonfiction texts. We will also be reading about and looking at cross-sections of landfills. We will build our own EDIBLE landfill Friday! Look for a note home about this!
We will be discussing comma rules and begin a five paragraph letter to King George pretending we are either Loyalists or Patriots.
We will continue practicing working with long division. We will continue in the traditional strategy, but also look at 2 other strategies- window and the “Big 7”.
Science/Social Studies:
In science we’ll finish our animal unit with distinct environments and begin our light unit.
In social studies we will review/test slavery and indentured servitude, & continue discussing the causes of the American Revolution.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • SS Slavery test- Tuesday
  • Science test (environments)- Wed.
  • PBL Vocab list #3- Next Tuesday
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 154 steps
Better- 280 steps
Captain of the Week:
         Our Captain of the Week is Bodey Barwick!! Bodey is a very hard worker and always works well with others! He displays the character traits of: respect,
       initiative, cooperation, curiosity and responsibility.  To find out what
Bodey learns throughout this week, follow us on Twitter @glay_jessica
Reminders from the Marina:
-Chic-Fil-A Spirit Night- Thursday, October 20th
-School Spirit Day- Friday, October 21st
-Interims go home Monday, October 24th
-Thanksgiving break NO SCHOOL October 26-28 Gobble Gobble!
-Polar Express Pancake Breakfast- Sat. Dec. 6 at Applebee’s- Order a ticket and
I’ll be your waitress!

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