Sunday, November 2, 2014

Career Day

       On October 31st we had Career Day. We learned about four distinct careers. We saw an attorney and he told us how he helps people if they are being treated unfairly. Next, we saw a Navy SEAL, they do things in the Military such as jump out of airplanes and handle explosives. Third, we went to Tabby Cakes and made a cupcake and ate it. We also learned how to make a cake. Finally, we went to see a doctor that works at Mary Black Hospital. The doctor told us what he does at the hospital and gave us all spongey hearts. While Career Day was very fun and informative I am still keeping my options open for what I want to be when I grow up. 
By: Hayden

At career day I learned a navy seal has to jump out of planes with dogs. I also learned that sometimes the dogs are attached to the jumpers. The dogs have the ability to deploy their own parachute. Then I learned they have to dive. Sometimes they dive without gear. They can dive up to 2 miles.
By: Lucas Gaines

I learned a lot in every class, but I learned that there is a bunch of different things in a hospital. You can even be a carpenter at a hospital. You could also spend the night there. Or you could sleep there too. That is what I learned.
By: Ethan

At career day I learned that a lawyer has to defend. The lawyer defends a person that is being sued for something bad. A lawyer has to read and learn a lot to be in law school for 4 years or more. Lawyers make a lot of money and get a lot of telephone calls. Lawyers are defending in court many times. They are trying to convince the judge to think that the person did not do it.
By: Colby
My favorite thing about career day was listening to the Navy Seal.  I learned that you never need to be afraid to jump out of an airplane or a helicopter.  I also learned that people usually have to be hooked to the dog if one is with them on their jump.  When the dogs jump out of the airplane, they have to wear an air mask.  When you are a Navy Seal, you must have a good scholarship.
By: Mason

This year for Career Day, we had four presenters.  We had a Doctor, Lawyer, Baker, and Army.  We learned that all careers require hard work, education, and getting a college degree is important.  I like the Army career.  I liked when the Army man asked some of us to stand up and then he started yelling at the ones he picked to stand up.  When he did that he said, “He’s putting us under pressure.”  He said that we would have to be able to swim if we wanted to be Seal.  He also said that we needed to know hard math.  Finally, he said that he would have to read a lot of books, “Enough to fill up 13 cabinets.”  

Kyle Johnson

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