Friday, November 7, 2014

Week of November 10

Reading:  We will be discussing the 3 R’s- reduce, reuse, and recycle- by reading and analyzing both fiction and nonfiction texts. We will also be presenting the infographics we created last week based on our reading and research.
We will be talking about how to make more interesting sentences by using conjunctions and this will be tested Wednesday. We will also begin an argumentative paragraph defending the side of environmentalists or loggers in the debate of deforestation!
We will continue practicing working with long division. We will continue in the traditional strategy, but also look at 2 other strategies- window and the “Big 7”.
Science/Social Studies:
In science we’ll finish our animal unit with distinct environments.
In social studies we will finish discussing slavery and indentured servitude, then move in to the causes of the American Revolution later in the week.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • PBL Vocab set #2- next Wednesday
  • Conjunctions test- next Wednesday
  • SS Slavery test- next Tuesday
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 143 steps
Better- 260 steps
Captain of the Week:
         Our Captain of the Week is Hayden Tyre!! Hayden is always on his best  
   behavior and is a hard worker! He displays the character traits of: respect,
       initiative, cooperation, and responsibility.  To find out what Hayden learns throughout this week, follow us on Twitter @glay_jessica
 Reminders from the Marina:
-This FRIDAY for part of our CLASS COMPLIMENT party, my dad will be bringing my Basset Hound Toby for the boys to meet during extra recess time!! If you do
         NOT want your child to participate in our TOBY TIME, please sign on the space on the newsletter by

-   Veteran’s Day program- Tuesday, November 11th- invite any veterans you know!
-Doughnuts with Dads- THIS Friday, November 14th
-Christmas pictures- November 14th

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