Friday, August 15, 2014

Week of August 18

Here's what we will be focusing on this week...

We will begin our “Choose Kind” bullying PBL this week by talking about the meaning of kindness, working with the grade level to make an acrostic using the word kindness, reading and analyzing books related to the topic of bullying, and toward the end of the week, beginning our novel study on the book Wonder!

We will be setting up our writing journals, writing our own “What If” poems about our fears of fourth grade after studying some mentor texts, and then studying and creating noticing charts of memoirs in preparation to write our own memoirs starting next week.

In math this week we will be learning a variety of ways to multiply basic numbers such as using arrays, skip counting, and the commutative property.

In science we will begin our inquiry unit with many fun and interesting experiments where we will make qualitative and quantitative observations and predictions!

Social Studies-
In social studies we will first review the continents, then discuss how the first people came to North America.

Important Dates/Reminders:
-Back to School Bash: Thursday 8/21 5pm-8pm

-Chic-Fil-A Spirit Night: Thursday 8/21
-School Spirit Day: Friday 8/22
-Make sure to look for our rules sheet to sign/return and other paperwork to come home Monday in the homework folders!

100 BC Goals:
Good- 11 steps
Better- 20 steps

Upcoming Assessments/Projects due:
-"Things that Keep Me Sailing" due WEDNESDAY
*Note- there WILL be unannounced assessments throughout the year! These will be simpler and not require studying, just paying attention in class!

Next week I will also announce the Captain of the Week (student of the week) here!!

I’m looking forward to a GREAT first week!!


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are "Diving" into the start of a great year! Wishing you and your boys a great start to the school year!
