Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sailing in to Fourth Grade!

Wow, what a GREAT first couple of days we have had!! We have had a lot of fun and learned a lot so far!
We have started our "Choose Kind" bullying PBL by discussing the meaning of the word 'kindness'. With the help of the rest of fourth grade, we have decided that kindness means:
Keep others first
Include others
Notice nice things about others
Never criticize
Eliminate bullying
Smile often
We made a KINDNESS banner for our hallway, signed it, and put our thumb prints to represent "Thumbs up for kindness!"
We then made a kindness keychain. Each color represents a different letter of the word kindness and what we think it means. This keychain will serve as a constant reminder for us to be kind to others.
In math, we started looking at different multiplication strategies. Today we focused on arrays. We even got to make our own arrays with counters!

In science, we started talking about the importance of process skills that real scientists use. Students had to depend on each others' observations and communication to recreate "The Thing."

We are looking forward to another fun day tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. This is great, I love actually being able to see what they are doing in class instead of my son just telling me about it. They all look like a great group of boys.

    ~Hayden's mom
