Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week of August 25

Here's what's ahead for us this week:

We will continue “Choose Kind” bullying PBL this week by talking about what bullying is and reading nonfiction articles about types of bullying. We will also be  reading and analyzing books related to the topic of bullying, and we will continue our novel study on the book Wonder!

We will be reading a variety of memoirs and discussing their characteristics. We will then begin writing our own memoirs incorporating these characteristics. We will also be looking at how authors use figurative language and transitions in their writing. 

In math this week we will be continue practicing our basic multiplication facts/strategies, but we will also begin discussing place value.

In our Inquiry unit, we will continue with qualitative and quantitative observations and predictions. We will also discuss inferring in science.

Social Studies-
In social studies we will be discussing the locations and characteristics of different Native American regions: Eastern Woodlands, Plains, Southwest, Pacific Northwest, and the Great Basin region. We will discuss their culture, food, homes, clothing, and government.

Important Dates/Reminders:
-NO SCHOOL- Monday, August 4th- Labor Day Holiday!
-Goodies with Grandparents- Friday, September 12- Look for a note to go home Monday to sign up!
-PTA Open House- Tuesday, September 16 at 6:30

100 BC Goals:
Good- 22 steps
Better- 40 steps

Upcoming Assessments/Projects due:
-Science process skills test- Next Wednesday

-SS test on Native Americans- NEXT Friday

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