Friday, March 6, 2015

Week of March 9th

Reading: We will be looking at different genres of literature such as fables and tall tales and discussing their morals. While doing this, we will also be preparing for reading MAP testing. Students should be studying every night for this!

In preparation for the ACT Aspire writing test, we will continue looking at on-demand writing. In addition, we will begin writing our own tall tales!
We will continue be looking at mean, median, mode and range this week, along with comparing decimals. Students should also be studying the MAP study log for math every night.
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will conclude in astronomy with the moon phases, shadows and tides.
In social studies we will continue our unit on government by discussing the Bill of Rights,  
citizenship, and the Const/African Amer.


Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • Moon phases test (Thurs), figurative language test (Fri), TOM test #2 (Fri)
  • Study MAP study guides- READING and MATH nightly!
  • Lunar Log nightly Mon.-Thurs.
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 299 steps
Better- 560 steps
Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captain of the Week is Colby Smart! Colby has been working
very hard this week and makes excellent grades! He is always on his best
behavior and does his best work. Colby displays the character traits of:
Responsibility, respect, curiosity, friendship, and cooperation. Great job,
Colby! Keep it up!
Reminders from the Marina:  
*Spring & Class pictures have been moved to Tuesday, March 10th
*We WILL have school this Friday, March 13th due to a snow make up day!
*Reading MAP testing- Monday, March 16th
*Math MAP testing- Tuesday, March 24th
*Students will have very little (if any) written homework this week
so they can focus on studying for all of their tests (including MAP
testing). Please make sure your child takes advantage of this time!

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