Friday, March 20, 2015

Week of March 23

Reading: We will begin our novel study on the book Shiloh and continue in our book clubs! With all books we will be looking at story elements, character traits, predictions, and inferences.

In preparation for the ACT Aspire writing test, we will continue looking at on-demand writing. We will also finally finish our tall tales!!
We will be looking at conversions this week in the U.S. Customary system. We will continue to work on our Table of Measurements (TOM).
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will continue in our weather unit with the water cycle, tracking weather, & tools.
In social studies we will continue our unit on government by discussing the Const/African  
  Amer., early leaders, & political parties.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • Math vocabulary test- Thursday
  • TOM Test #4- Friday
  • SS test on early leaders & political parties- next Tuesday
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 319 steps
Better- 580 steps
Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captain of the Week is Ethan Bolding! Ethan has been working
VERY hard and did an AMAZING job on his MAP test. He had the most
growth on our reading test with +22 points! Wow! Great job, Ethan
I am proud of you and all the other students who tried their very
best on MAP reading!
Reminders from the Marina:  
*Math MAP testing- Tuesday, March 24th
*Field trip to orchestra- March 25th
*Chic-Fil-A- March 19th
*3rd Quarter Awards- March 31st at 8:30
*Students will have very little (if any) written homework this week
so they can focus on studying for all of their tests (including MAP
testing). Please make sure your child takes advantage of this time!

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