Friday, March 27, 2015

Week of March 30

Reading: We will begin our novel study on the book Shiloh and continue in our book clubs! With all books we will be looking at story elements, character traits, predictions, and inferences.

In preparation for the ACT Aspire writing test, we will continue looking at on-demand writing. We will also be focusing on editing.
We will be looking at conversions this week in the U.S. Customary system. We will continue to work on our Table of Measurements (TOM).
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will continue in our weather unit with tracking weather, severe weather& tools.
In social studies we will continue our Westward Expansion with early pioneers, motives, and
territorial acquisition.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • SS test on early leaders & political parties- Tuesday
  • TOM Test #5- Friday
  • Sci. test on clouds, water cycle, & weather tools- Friday
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 321 steps
Better- 600 steps

Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captains of the Week are Bodey Barwick and Devin Roe!
Although ALL the boys worked EXTREMELY hard on our math MAP testing,
Bodey had the most growth and Devin had the highest overall score!
Great job boys! I am very proud of you and everyone else!!
Reminders from the Marina:  
*3rd Quarter Awards- March 31st at 8:30
*Spring Break- NEXT WEEK! J
*Spring Picture orders due- April 14th
*Chic-Fil-A spirit night- April 14th
*PTA/Fine Arts night- April 16th at 6:30
*School Spirit Day- April 24th
*Interim reports go home April 28th

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