Friday, February 7, 2014

I wonder... What is magnetism?


Today we went to the Wonder Room and did 5 stations about magnets. Our 1st station was about attracting and repelling 2 magnets to each other. One side there was a North Pole and the other side of the magnet was the South Pole.

Our 2nd station was about what materials are attracted and some that don’t attract are ruler, wood, and plastic. Some materials that are attracted are: scissors, nails, and binder clip.

Our 3rd station was how many paperclips you can fit on a magnet. Boyce and Cameron got 65 paperclips on the magnet. This worked because the paperclips were metal.

Our 4th station was how strong is the magnets if you put a paper between them. When we put the magnets to our shirt it stuck together.

Our 5th station was shavings to a stick that had iron on the bottom of the stick. It worked because the iron is magnetic and it attracted to iron shavings.

Our 6th station was to make an electromagnet. It worked because we made coils around a nail to make it a magnet. We know it worked because we could feel a tiny pull from the paperclip.  

By: Boyce and Cameron




1 comment:

  1. I learned that magnets are formed from the earth. They have a north pole and a south pole. The north pole always points north and the south pole always points south. Magnets are very interesting!

    By: Alyssa Henderson
