Monday, November 4, 2013

We Changed the World!!

As a culmination to our "What's your Carbon Footprint?" PBL, the fourth grade students have been working SO hard writing up their formal action plans, preparing their posters, and presenting their action plans to the class. I am extremely proud of all of their hard work! Here are a couple examples of our action plan descriptions. They include the four sections of our formal action plan: 1) The problem you saw 2) Your plan to fix it 3) Possible problems and benefits that may occur 4) What actually happened when you carried out the plan. 

My Action Plan
I saw that there is litter all over the place. You can tell because some of that litter is really recyclable’s. This is important to me because in a few years I do not won’t for the Earth to be trashy and look like a trashcan. “When you minimize trash you help the present and future,” says David Chandler.
I will do the Lake Sweep at Lake Bowen. I will pick trash up on the side of the road. My supplies will be bug spray, pinchers (to pick things up), gloves, vests, and trash bags. It will be 7:00am-12:30pm, that is about six hours.
A problem that might occur is it might rain. We did some research about it and we got a team. We signed up and figured out our team name. There are many benefits that can happen from my action plan. If we pick up litter we can show people we care. If our team can show we care maybe people won’t litter on the road and side.
We took a bunch of photos. We did the Lake Bowen Lake Sweep. It was my mom Brooke D, her mom Carol, and I. This took place at Lake Bowen. I did what I wanted to do. 
 Bye, Kayley .F

Bryson’s action plan
Liter trash everywhere trash over there. Trash over here. In the future I want the environment to be clean. I do not want to look like a tornado went threw it. I cleaned my grandmothers neiborhood there was trash everywhere .I cleaned from 4pm to 9pm. Then went to the landfill called sold waste management facility . there was very big trucks running all over the trash. The supplies I needed where gloves ,truck, traler ,and goggles. It was a very big landfill .The benefits will be keeping the environment clean. Some of the problems I may run into are the trash bags may bust I may not have enough trash cans. Everything I did took 5 hours. It was very fun and I may do it again.  

We also had a student make her OWN blog to educate others about recycling, reducing, and reusing! Click here to see Bailey's blog (including videos): 

We had some really great videos to document the action plan process! You can watch those videos by using your iPhone and the QR code app when you visit our hallway! All you have to do is scan the QR codes that are on the students' posters! 

Here are some pictures of some of our action plans!

Caroline's Bottle Cap Mural

 Collin's posters educating others about conserving water and recycling (hung in bathrooms)

Matthias' action plan poster showing his documentation for his project- cleaning up the football field

Finally, some students stayed after school Friday to create this banner for the fourth grade hallway. Every student is signing the banner because every student truly CHANGED THE WORLD...and learned a lot in the process!! :) 

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