Friday, November 15, 2013

Historic Brattonsville Field Trip

We had such a great time on our field trip to Historic Brattonsville! Here's what the kids had to say about the trip:

My favorite part of the field trip was picking cotton in the field . It felt like I was a reel slave picking cotton.

My favorite part of the field trip was when we learned how to march and hold muskets. The field trip was great!
By Alyssa

My favorite part was when we got to march with muskets. The field trip was so cool.    
By. Bailey Taylor

My favorite part is when we split up in groups and picked cotton. Together as a class my favorite part was the muskets. Everything was fun!!!
By: Sarah Starnes

My favorite part about the fieldtrip was going to this lady’s house where she taught us about medicine by that I learned what kind of medicine they used and how they used it.
By: Caroline T.

My favorite part of the field trip was when we went down to the place were they cook the food. It realy looked like we were in a place were they cook the food. One more thing I liked about the field trip was when we went to see the cotton gin. It was so cool!!!!!!! I wish we could go again. If you have never been there you should go. The field trip was spectacular. 
By: Carissa  F.

My  favorite  part  of  the  field trip was  see  all  the  animals .When  I  look  closely   I  saw  a  ram  it  was  so  cool  to  see  it. There   was some  chickens  that  was   wondering. 
By  Matthias       

 My favorite thing about the field trip was when we went to the field that grew cash crops like the cotton we pick some of are own. It was so fluffy in my experiments. That ram fur was different than cotton because the cotton stays furry and the ram dries quick and cotton stays the same by water.
                                                                                                             By Izabella
I had so much fun. I really like how they let use explore ensted of just telling use about it. Something I learned was that there were many different parts of the American  revolution and not just one part.                                                                                                                                               BY: Hailey  R.
I loved the field trip. My favorite part was when we went to the loyalists women’s house she made me feel like I was really in that year. I liked it when we split into groups and got to see all the houses and plantations also I was in my mom’s group and my group members were Caroline, Lauren, Hayley, Hailey, Bailey, and I.
By: Kayley.f.                                     

My favorite part of the field trip was when we went into one of the old houses she talt us how to sine with our hands.
By  Haley  F.    
I loved the field trip. I loved when we went to the first house the women told us that her husben found people in the back yard and had a15minite battle they won. They brot them inside and healed them so the captin was last. Couple years later the same people came to the house and said, where is your husben she said, I don’t know so one tried to kill her but the other one koted the wepon out of his hand.
By Evan. Kennedy
I learned that slaves helped in the revolutionary  war. by Boyce.
I learned that cotton has seeds in it. By : Kevin W.
My favorite part was when we got to see animals people hardly ever get to see  at the zoo like ram and striped chikens. By :Collin T.
I learned how to march in an orderly  fashioned  line. I also learned  how to hold a musket. The girl teaching us all this stuff even shot a real musket! By: Brayson J.
I loved it when we got to see all the rams, chicken , and the Cotton Gin because  it was the first time I ever saw one. By: Cameron M.
I learned that cotton was the was one of the cash crops from the south. I love seeing the slaves and the large plantations.The plantation owners house was very huge. I can’t believe it was from the old times!! I loved the field trip to Historic Brattonsville!! I explored the slaves and plantations with my friends!!!
By: Lauren C
One thing I liked about the fild trip was, going around to the people and  they would act like they lived in the time of the Revulutinary War. They told us facts and the two sides of the war, just incase you don’t  know the sides it was the Lollist v.s the Patriots.
Kaden J.

Campfire stories

Ram's wool

Visiting a Loyalist

Listening to how they treated wounded soldiers

Learning how to march with muskets!

Picking cotton!

Touring the plantation

 Outside the Brattons' house!

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