Saturday, November 2, 2013

Help our Classroom!

Would you or anyone you know like to donate to a good cause? Help our classroom by donating to our Donors Choose grant! In this grant, I am asking for an AppleTV to enhance my students' education. An AppleTV will allow anything on our classroom iPad to be projected onto our Promethean Board. This will allow students to easily share and present their creations and it will allow me to use a variety of great iPad apps in my instruction. A donation of ANY size is helpful and is tax deductible!! Also, any donations through November 8th will be matched by DonorsChoose!! Just enter INSPIRE on the payment screen. Please forward this on to any individual or company you know that may be interested. Thank you! I am so excited for this opportunity. My students deserve only the best! Below is the link to our grant:

AppleTV Grant

1 comment:

  1. Great news! Our grant is officially funded! thanks to all who spread the word and a big thanks to all who helped to fund it! I can't wait to use our new AppleTV!
