Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Show Me- Long Division

If you need a little help with long division, check out Bryson's Show Me! (Just turn your head sideways!)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Historic Brattonsville Field Trip

We had such a great time on our field trip to Historic Brattonsville! Here's what the kids had to say about the trip:

My favorite part of the field trip was picking cotton in the field . It felt like I was a reel slave picking cotton.

My favorite part of the field trip was when we learned how to march and hold muskets. The field trip was great!
By Alyssa

My favorite part was when we got to march with muskets. The field trip was so cool.    
By. Bailey Taylor

My favorite part is when we split up in groups and picked cotton. Together as a class my favorite part was the muskets. Everything was fun!!!
By: Sarah Starnes

My favorite part about the fieldtrip was going to this lady’s house where she taught us about medicine by that I learned what kind of medicine they used and how they used it.
By: Caroline T.

My favorite part of the field trip was when we went down to the place were they cook the food. It realy looked like we were in a place were they cook the food. One more thing I liked about the field trip was when we went to see the cotton gin. It was so cool!!!!!!! I wish we could go again. If you have never been there you should go. The field trip was spectacular. 
By: Carissa  F.

My  favorite  part  of  the  field trip was  see  all  the  animals .When  I  look  closely   I  saw  a  ram  it  was  so  cool  to  see  it. There   was some  chickens  that  was   wondering. 
By  Matthias       

 My favorite thing about the field trip was when we went to the field that grew cash crops like the cotton we pick some of are own. It was so fluffy in my experiments. That ram fur was different than cotton because the cotton stays furry and the ram dries quick and cotton stays the same by water.
                                                                                                             By Izabella
I had so much fun. I really like how they let use explore ensted of just telling use about it. Something I learned was that there were many different parts of the American  revolution and not just one part.                                                                                                                                               BY: Hailey  R.
I loved the field trip. My favorite part was when we went to the loyalists women’s house she made me feel like I was really in that year. I liked it when we split into groups and got to see all the houses and plantations also I was in my mom’s group and my group members were Caroline, Lauren, Hayley, Hailey, Bailey, and I.
By: Kayley.f.                                     

My favorite part of the field trip was when we went into one of the old houses she talt us how to sine with our hands.
By  Haley  F.    
I loved the field trip. I loved when we went to the first house the women told us that her husben found people in the back yard and had a15minite battle they won. They brot them inside and healed them so the captin was last. Couple years later the same people came to the house and said, where is your husben she said, I don’t know so one tried to kill her but the other one koted the wepon out of his hand.
By Evan. Kennedy
I learned that slaves helped in the revolutionary  war. by Boyce.
I learned that cotton has seeds in it. By : Kevin W.
My favorite part was when we got to see animals people hardly ever get to see  at the zoo like ram and striped chikens. By :Collin T.
I learned how to march in an orderly  fashioned  line. I also learned  how to hold a musket. The girl teaching us all this stuff even shot a real musket! By: Brayson J.
I loved it when we got to see all the rams, chicken , and the Cotton Gin because  it was the first time I ever saw one. By: Cameron M.
I learned that cotton was the was one of the cash crops from the south. I love seeing the slaves and the large plantations.The plantation owners house was very huge. I can’t believe it was from the old times!! I loved the field trip to Historic Brattonsville!! I explored the slaves and plantations with my friends!!!
By: Lauren C
One thing I liked about the fild trip was, going around to the people and  they would act like they lived in the time of the Revulutinary War. They told us facts and the two sides of the war, just incase you don’t  know the sides it was the Lollist v.s the Patriots.
Kaden J.

Campfire stories

Ram's wool

Visiting a Loyalist

Listening to how they treated wounded soldiers

Learning how to march with muskets!

Picking cotton!

Touring the plantation

 Outside the Brattons' house!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Cat Condos

In our new PBL, Walk on the Wild Side, our first big project is making cat condos to donate to the Spartanburg animal shelter. This requires students to make a blueprint of their design, then construct the actual cat condo. Students have to first measure the dimensions of their box, transfer these measurements to scale on grid paper, decide the size and location of their doors and windows, add the doors and windows to their blueprint, then finally use their blue print to help them measure and mark where the doors and windows will be on their cat condo box. This calls for the students to use many skills including: problem solving, critical thinking, logical reasoning, precise and accurate measurement, and rounding to the nearest inch when measuring. But, that's not all! Next week, after the doors and windows are cut out (by Mr. Carroll!) we will be finding the area and perimeter of the ground level of our cat condo, along with adding any "extras" to our condos according to cat preferences. Students already have in mind what they want to add to their cat condos (for example, a scratching post), as earlier this week they conducted some simple research using the iPads and Symbaloo app. During this investigation, they learned about cat likes and dislikes, fears, do-it-yourself cat toys, and how the cats will use their senses with our cat condo (rubbing up against it to mark their territory, using whiskers to safely move through the small spaces, etc.). In just ONE week, this engaging PBL project has integrated key reading, math, AND science standards! Wow! 

I have been SO impressed with the students' performance so far in this project. After my initial teaching and modeling of how to make the blueprints and cat condos, students have needed very little assistance. Below are some pictures of the students in action and an explanatory video of the blueprint process. Enjoy! 


Red Ribbon Week

Red ribbon week is about staying DRUG FREE on Monday we had school spirit day by wearing are School  colors .  On Tuesday we had college , university and military day . On Wednesday we had Dress for success we wore are favorite close that is fancy . On Thursday  was carrer  day  there were lots of  doctors , dentist , veternarians . On Friday was to wear red day  lots of people wore red .

On Friday, football players and cheerleaders from Boiling Springs High School came to speak to us about being drug Free!
BE DRUG FREE PLEASE  . Are world is in are hands so keep are world clean and be drug free. Red ribbon week is letting us know to be drug free. Everybody should have a good future and be drug free.  I know I keep on saying be drug free because I care about  you and are earth so BE DRUG FREE.


By, Emma kate

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

So, what was the Triangular Trade?

Are you a little bit confused about the Triangular Trade? Do you need help studying for our test? Sometimes, don't you just wish Miss Glay was right there at home with you to help you review? Don't worry, your wish is my command! Watch the review of the Triangular Trade: 

Who can count how many times I say "Remember that..."?! Perhaps I need to add some new phrases to my teaching vocabulary! :)

Monday, November 4, 2013

We Changed the World!!

As a culmination to our "What's your Carbon Footprint?" PBL, the fourth grade students have been working SO hard writing up their formal action plans, preparing their posters, and presenting their action plans to the class. I am extremely proud of all of their hard work! Here are a couple examples of our action plan descriptions. They include the four sections of our formal action plan: 1) The problem you saw 2) Your plan to fix it 3) Possible problems and benefits that may occur 4) What actually happened when you carried out the plan. 

My Action Plan
I saw that there is litter all over the place. You can tell because some of that litter is really recyclable’s. This is important to me because in a few years I do not won’t for the Earth to be trashy and look like a trashcan. “When you minimize trash you help the present and future,” says David Chandler.
I will do the Lake Sweep at Lake Bowen. I will pick trash up on the side of the road. My supplies will be bug spray, pinchers (to pick things up), gloves, vests, and trash bags. It will be 7:00am-12:30pm, that is about six hours.
A problem that might occur is it might rain. We did some research about it and we got a team. We signed up and figured out our team name. There are many benefits that can happen from my action plan. If we pick up litter we can show people we care. If our team can show we care maybe people won’t litter on the road and side.
We took a bunch of photos. We did the Lake Bowen Lake Sweep. It was my mom Brooke D, her mom Carol, and I. This took place at Lake Bowen. I did what I wanted to do. 
 Bye, Kayley .F

Bryson’s action plan
Liter trash everywhere trash over there. Trash over here. In the future I want the environment to be clean. I do not want to look like a tornado went threw it. I cleaned my grandmothers neiborhood there was trash everywhere .I cleaned from 4pm to 9pm. Then went to the landfill called sold waste management facility . there was very big trucks running all over the trash. The supplies I needed where gloves ,truck, traler ,and goggles. It was a very big landfill .The benefits will be keeping the environment clean. Some of the problems I may run into are the trash bags may bust I may not have enough trash cans. Everything I did took 5 hours. It was very fun and I may do it again.  

We also had a student make her OWN blog to educate others about recycling, reducing, and reusing! Click here to see Bailey's blog (including videos): 

We had some really great videos to document the action plan process! You can watch those videos by using your iPhone and the QR code app when you visit our hallway! All you have to do is scan the QR codes that are on the students' posters! 

Here are some pictures of some of our action plans!

Caroline's Bottle Cap Mural

 Collin's posters educating others about conserving water and recycling (hung in bathrooms)

Matthias' action plan poster showing his documentation for his project- cleaning up the football field

Finally, some students stayed after school Friday to create this banner for the fourth grade hallway. Every student is signing the banner because every student truly CHANGED THE WORLD...and learned a lot in the process!! :) 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Help our Classroom!

Would you or anyone you know like to donate to a good cause? Help our classroom by donating to our Donors Choose grant! In this grant, I am asking for an AppleTV to enhance my students' education. An AppleTV will allow anything on our classroom iPad to be projected onto our Promethean Board. This will allow students to easily share and present their creations and it will allow me to use a variety of great iPad apps in my instruction. A donation of ANY size is helpful and is tax deductible!! Also, any donations through November 8th will be matched by DonorsChoose!! Just enter INSPIRE on the payment screen. Please forward this on to any individual or company you know that may be interested. Thank you! I am so excited for this opportunity. My students deserve only the best! Below is the link to our grant:

AppleTV Grant

Friday, November 1, 2013

Boosterthon Fun Run

During the FUN RUN we learned that friends stick to gather, friends shout out strengths , friends don’t bully, and friends are honest. When you shout out strengths you say something positive about some won. When you stick to gather with your friends you stay with your friends. We don’t need to bully. When you bully you  hert some won other  than your self. We all ways need to be honest. Honest means when you all ways  tell the truth. My class got the most pledges in the forth grad!  All most every body in my class got 35 laps. I ran exactly 35 laps at the fun run. The track  was about half  the size of O.E.S. black top. If you ran about 30 laps you ran about 2 miles! Slamin Andy and the other fun run guest got to run a lap with the forth grade! It was very existing! THEN it was girls agents boys. I hope that the girls won that would be funny! If the boys won it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. They guest wouldn’t stop talking about it. If there were a tie that would be boring. I had a fantastic FUN RUN WEEK it was absolutely terrific amazing absolutely awesome!                
By: Hailey R.

Note from Miss Glay: This is what happens when you challenge your class to raise the most money over the weekend! :)

Way to go, Glay's Gladiators!!