Monday, May 18, 2015

Muffins with Moms

Thanks to all the moms who came last week to Muffins with Moms!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Week of May 11

Reading: We will be finishing our novel study on Shiloh, beginning a novel study on The Tale of Desperaux, and starting back book clubs this week!

We will be working on Daily Oral Language and planet feature articles.
We will review time/distance word problems and begin a project working with nets in geometry!
Science/Social Studies:
We will begin a history detective project called Genius Hour. Be looking for a note home about this Wednesday!

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • DOL test- Friday
  • Math word problems test- Thursday
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 376 steps
Better- 700 steps
Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captain of the Week is Nate Webber! Nate worked
extremely hard on PASS testing last week and I am very proud of him and
all the progress he has made this year! Nate displays the character traits
of: perseverance, cooperation, friendship, respect, and responsibility.
Keep up the good work, Nate!
Reminders from the Marina:   
*Muffins with Mom- This Friday!
*Annual Day- Friday
*Tour of BSI- Tuesday, May 19th
*Mini Relay for Life- Thursday, May 21st
*Field Day- Friday, May 22nd 8:30-10:50
*School Spirit Day- Friday, May 22nd
*Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL!!! Monday, May 25th

Monday, May 4, 2015

Severe Weather Videos

Warning- Severe weather coming your way! Stay tuned for more info!!

Week of May 4

Reading: We will also continue our research project on abolitionists and prepare for the PASS tests this week.

We will be working on Daily Oral Language and prepare for testing this week.
We will review time/distance word problems and prepare for testing this week!
Science/Social Studies:
We will be reviewing what we have learned all year in preparation for PASS testing this week!

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • PASS testing- THIS WEEK!! (See schedule in the “Reminders” section).
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 365 steps
Better- 680 steps
Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captain of the Week is Matthew Stark! I noticed how hard
Matthew was working on the ACT tests last week. He paced himself well,
used all his time wisely, checked his work, and tried his very best! I am
very proud of Matthew and all the other boys for how hard they worked
on their tests last week!
Reminders from the Marina:  
*Excel Orientation Meeting- Tuesday, May 5th (bring your blue form with you!)
*Chic-Fil-A Sprit Night- Tuesday, May 5th
*PASS testing May 7th (science) & 8th  (social studies)
*Muffins with Moms has been changed to the week of May 11th!
*Parents- Students have received a PASS study log. Please make sure they are
studying for science and social studies
PASS every night!! This includes the weekend!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Week of April 27th

Reading: We will also continue our research project on abolitionists and prepare for/take the ACT test this week!

We will prepare for/take the ACT test this week!
We will prepare for/take the ACT test this week!
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will continue in our weather unit w/ severe weather and reading weather maps.
In social studies we will finish our Civil War unit and begin our year-end review!

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • ACT testing- THIS WEEK!! (See schedule in the “Reminders” section).
  • PASS testing- NEXT WEEK!! (See schedule in the “Reminders” section).
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 354 steps
Better- 660 steps
Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captain of the Week is Trenton Smith! Trenton has been
working very hard this week and has been participating in class
discussion. Trenton displays the character traits of: curiosity,
cooperation, respect, and sense of humor. Great job, Trenton!
Keep it up!
Reminders from the Marina:  
*Interim reports go home April 28th
*ACT Aspire testing- April 28th (writing), 29th (reading), and 30th (math)
*PASS testing May 7th (science) & 8th  (social studies)
*Muffins with Moms has been changed to the week of May 11th!
*Parents- Students will receive a PASS study log after ACT testing ends on
Thursday. Please make sure they are studying for science and social studies
PASS every night!! This includes the weekend!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Our Book Reviews on Shiloh

If you like realistic  fiction  you will like  Shiloh. This book shows that sometimes it is ok to lie because It can be saving somebody  because  Judd could  have killed Shiloh. And sometimes you should not lie. The climax of the book is something  I did not  suspect. Shiloh is a good teaching book. In  the  end Marty gets Shiloh

Matthew and Nathan

I kind of like  it and  my favorite part is when climax happened. I’m a little sad when Shiloh gets attacked by the bakers dog . If you like dramatic stuff you will like this book. Also if you like animals you will love this book like crazy! This book has an amazing story to read that you will probably like. It has good details and I think you should read it!

Trenton and Colby
                                                                 I LOVE SHILOH
I recommend it because it is a realistic story the author got  it from raw material like in the woods were Marty found Shiloh. I like Shiloh because it is saying always tell the truth and never lie. I recommend this book  because when your reading the book Shiloh you can see it happening in your mind. I recommend this book  because in this book gives you a good story of the characters . The author is talking like “lookin” because she wonts you to hear how they talk. So go get the book Shiloh.IT IS  GREAT!
Graham blackwood & Joseph Utley
                                                       My Review About Shiloh
                       I think other people should read Shiloh because it is a interesting story. My favorite part about this is when Shiloh gets attacked by the Backers dog, because it gets you worried about if he is gets to live or dies. I think it is interesting because there is a lot of big events in the story lie when Marty was walking over to Judd’s place but Judd and Marty met in the woods when Judd did something illegal and Judd was doing night hunting and what made it illegal was that he shot a doe. One of the big events in the story that Marty’s mom finds Shiloh being hide. I also think it mostly interesting because there is some suprizing things that happen in the story.
Mason and Kyle
If you like dogs you might want to read Shiloh. But if you hate blood there is no picture in it so you don’t have to see it. Also if you like chapter books you can read it. If you read Shiloh you will learn not to lie. If you like helping each other then read this book.
   By Edward & Nate

Let It Go!

Don't let them fool you... they loved every second of this! Brain breaks are always fun in the man cave! :)

Week of April 20th

Reading: We will conclude our book clubs this week! We will begin another set of book clubs in May after testing. We will also begin a research project on abolitionists.
In preparation for the ACT Aspire writing test, we will continue looking at on-demand writing. We will also be focusing on editing.
We will continue in our measurement unit by looking at solving word problems with units of distance and time.
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will continue in our weather unit w/ severe weather and reading weather maps.
In social studies we will continue our Westward Expansion with how it affected Native  
  Americans and slaves.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • Severe weather test- Wednesday
  • ACT testing- NEXT WEEK!! (See schedule in the “Reminders” section.
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 343 steps
Better- 640 steps
Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captain of the Week is Kyle Johnson! Kyle is a very hard-
working student who is always on his best behavior! He always
completes his homework, turns in his work on time, and studies hard.
Kyle is a wonderful role model for other students. Keep up the good
work, Kyle!
Reminders from the Marina:  
*School Spirit Day- April 24th
*Interim reports go home April 28th
*ACT Aspire testing- April 28th (writing), 29th (reading), and 30th (math)
*PASS testing May 7th (science) & 8th  (social studies)
*Muffins with Moms has been changed to the week of May 11th!
*Parents- sign for +5 on lowest test grade! Kiddos- show my by Wednesday!
Shhhh, don’t tell your friends!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Random Pictures

Here are some random pictures from recent events. Enjoy and happy spring break! :)

PE Club performance at PTA

Orchestra Concert field trip

 Making Weather Tools

Week of April 13th

Reading: We will conclude our novel study on the book Shiloh and continue in our book clubs! With all books we will be looking at story elements, character traits, predictions, and inferences.

In preparation for the ACT Aspire writing test, we will continue looking at on-demand writing. We will also be focusing on editing.
We will continue in our measurement unit by looking at solving word problems with units of distance and time.
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will continue in our weather unit w/ severe weather and reading weather maps.
In social studies we will continue our Westward Expansion with early pioneers, motives, and
territorial acquisition.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • SS test on pioneers and motives for moving west- Friday
  • Severe weather test- next Wednesday
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 332 steps
Better- 620 steps
Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captain of the Week is Jaxson Westphal! Jaxson worked
extremely hard on MAP testing and works hard every day! Jaxson
displays the character traits of: sense of humor, common sense, respect,
curiosity, cooperation, and initiative. Great job, Jaxson!
Keep it up!
Reminders from the Marina:  
*Spring Picture orders due- April 14th
*Chic-Fil-A spirit night- April 14th
*PTA/Fine Arts night- April 16th at 6:30
*School Spirit Day- April 24th
*Interim reports go home April 28th
*ACT Aspire testing- April 28th-30th; PASS testing May 7th & 8th
*Muffins with Moms has been changed to the week of May 11th!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Week of March 30

Reading: We will begin our novel study on the book Shiloh and continue in our book clubs! With all books we will be looking at story elements, character traits, predictions, and inferences.

In preparation for the ACT Aspire writing test, we will continue looking at on-demand writing. We will also be focusing on editing.
We will be looking at conversions this week in the U.S. Customary system. We will continue to work on our Table of Measurements (TOM).
Science/Social Studies:
In science we will continue in our weather unit with tracking weather, severe weather& tools.
In social studies we will continue our Westward Expansion with early pioneers, motives, and
territorial acquisition.

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • SS test on early leaders & political parties- Tuesday
  • TOM Test #5- Friday
  • Sci. test on clouds, water cycle, & weather tools- Friday
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 321 steps
Better- 600 steps

Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captains of the Week are Bodey Barwick and Devin Roe!
Although ALL the boys worked EXTREMELY hard on our math MAP testing,
Bodey had the most growth and Devin had the highest overall score!
Great job boys! I am very proud of you and everyone else!!
Reminders from the Marina:  
*3rd Quarter Awards- March 31st at 8:30
*Spring Break- NEXT WEEK! J
*Spring Picture orders due- April 14th
*Chic-Fil-A spirit night- April 14th
*PTA/Fine Arts night- April 16th at 6:30
*School Spirit Day- April 24th
*Interim reports go home April 28th