Friday, May 8, 2015

Week of May 11

Reading: We will be finishing our novel study on Shiloh, beginning a novel study on The Tale of Desperaux, and starting back book clubs this week!

We will be working on Daily Oral Language and planet feature articles.
We will review time/distance word problems and begin a project working with nets in geometry!
Science/Social Studies:
We will begin a history detective project called Genius Hour. Be looking for a note home about this Wednesday!

Anchor Down these Assessments/Due Dates

  • DOL test- Friday
  • Math word problems test- Thursday
100 Book Challenge Goals:

Good- 376 steps
Better- 700 steps
Captain of the Week:
This week’s Captain of the Week is Nate Webber! Nate worked
extremely hard on PASS testing last week and I am very proud of him and
all the progress he has made this year! Nate displays the character traits
of: perseverance, cooperation, friendship, respect, and responsibility.
Keep up the good work, Nate!
Reminders from the Marina:   
*Muffins with Mom- This Friday!
*Annual Day- Friday
*Tour of BSI- Tuesday, May 19th
*Mini Relay for Life- Thursday, May 21st
*Field Day- Friday, May 22nd 8:30-10:50
*School Spirit Day- Friday, May 22nd
*Memorial Day- NO SCHOOL!!! Monday, May 25th

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