Sunday, April 13, 2014

Career Day at OES

During career day my class had an author come visit us. Honestly I have always wanted to be an author so this was very exciting for me. We learned that authors have to rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. This specific author took 2 and a-half years to write a book called Sal and Amanda. She got the idea of having salamanders for main characters because the South Carolina state amphibian is the salamander.

By: Brayson Jones


My favorite part of Career Day was when the BSIS guidance counselor talked to us. She talked to us about how we can do anything we set our mind to. Then we did a really fun activity where you and a partner got skittles from a bag and the different colors meant different things. For example, a red skittle might represent what you love about your family. How many different skittles you had determined how many things you had to say about the topic.

By: Kayley Fowler

We also got to hear from a local bakery. They even let us decorate our own cupcakes!

Last, we heard from high school seniors. They were in student council and/or on sports teams. They talked to us about their goals for life and encouraged us to work hard in school. 

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