Friday, January 3, 2014

BSHS Visitors

Before Christmas break, we had two high school students from BSHS come visit us. They read books with us and told us about their college and career goals. 

Our high school reader was very nice. The first book she read to us was a book about a little girl who kept on asking and asking for a pink tree and at the end she got one  . This very nice young lady was a student council member. She was sixteen years old and very nice girl like I already said. The second book that she read was half but it was still good. It is a old classic called ‘twas the night before Christmas.

I learned that we read a Charlie Brown and we read Santa Goes  to the Carolinas. Jack is a good role model.  He does that by letting us read to him and a little bit of him reading to us. He was very patient and helped us if we were on a hard word to say. He is a helpful friend to all of us.  

-Kevin and Cameron

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