Wednesday, August 21, 2013

One Small Square- Part 2

Even though the rain kept us inside today, we still got to finish up our "One Small Square" activity. Our classroom just got a little dirty! Today in science we discussed qualitative observations and how to use our senses to make more detailed observations like scientists do. Then, students observed the same soil they dug up yesterday and recorded their observations in their Wonder Journals. They even got to use hand lenses like real scientists! The students' learning was evident in their observations. Compared to yesterday, today's observations were much more detailed! Students used all senses when observing today (except for taste!) whereas they only used sight yesterday. Below are some of the students' observations from Tuesday:

And here are some of our more detailed qualitative observations from today:

*These examples came from Brayson, Caroline, Lauren, and Boyce. Great job guys!!

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