Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Show Me! Multiplication

Need some help with multiplication? Just ask Carissa and Alyssa! The girls taught their own multiplication lesson using the Show Me app on the iPad. Take a look!

Carissa's lesson on traditional multiplication:

Alyssa's lesson on lattice multiplication:

**Note: I'm not sure if this will work. I am still figuring out how to use this app. This is a test! Please let me know if it does or does not work! Thank you!

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Animal Shelter

On Oct. 24, 2013 the animal shelter came to visit us. It was fun because we got to do everything they get to do there. We learned that you have to take a dogs temperature. Something else that we learned is that some dogs have a microchip near their shoulder blade. Here are some examples of what we learned:

*We learned that if a dog uses the bathroom they scoop it up with a little spoon and take it to the lab for tests.

*We learned that mosquitos cause heartworms.

*We learned that you have to give a dog a bath every so often.

* We learned that if you can’t take care of your dog well all you have to do is give him/her to the animal shelter.

*We learned that if your dog has heartworms could kill your dog.

*We learned that all animals have to be trained &all can be instinctive.

When you grow up you should be a vetanarian, too.

By: Cameron

Bristol loved to be pet!

Reading to Bristol

Playing fetch 

Teaching her a trick (a learned behavior!)

Teaching her a trick

Brushing Bristol

Taking her temperature

Checking her ears

Checking her heartbeat

Testing Bristol's blood

Giving Bristol her heartworm shot

Drying her after her "bath"

Bathing Bristol

Giving her water

Feeding Bristol

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Come to the 13 Colonies!

This week, students picked a region of colonies and wrote persuasive paragraphs about their region. They had to pretend they were living in colonial times trying to convince Europeans to come to their colonies. They included important information about the colonies' economy, government, religion, and lifestyle. Students voted on the most persuasive arguments that had the most important facts from the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Read their great writing below! Based on these arguments, which colonies would you have moved to? Let us know! 

New England colonies- Alyssa and Haley F.

Middle colonies- Kayley and Collin

Southern colonies- Emma Kate and Evan

Monday, October 21, 2013

13 Colonies Pic Collages

Last week, the students completed a project on the 13 original English colonies. In groups, students used the iPad app called Pic Collage to help teach their classmates about either the New England, Middle, or Southern colonies. All the students did a FABULOUS job! Below are our winners for each region of colonies:

New England colonies- Bailey and Alyssa

Middle colonies- Kaden, Evan, and Sarah

Middle colonies- Kaden, Evan, and Sarah
*Note- the students found a mistake after they had already submitted their project. It should say "Peter Stuyveant was the government when the Dutch ruled..."

Southern colonies- Lauren, Emma Kate, and Kevin

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Junk Matters!

A couple of weeks ago the fourth grade had a wonderful guest speaker from the company Junk Matters. Our speaker, Eric, talked to the students about how their company is working to reduce our community's carbon footprint. Junk Matters is a company that allows restaurants, schools, and other businesses to eliminate their waste stream through single stream recycling. To learn more about this wonderful company, visit

To show our appreciation to Junk Matters, not only for coming to speak to the fourth graders at OES, but also for helping to reduce our community's environmental footprint, the students thought of a creative and "green" way to say thank you! Below is a blog and videos expressing our appreciation: 

JUNK MATTERS just like the company that came to speak with fourth grade. He was a great guest speaker. He talked about how important our carbon foot print really mattered for now and the future to come. From what he talked about the company really cares about junk that can be recycled. That is why the name does not lie. He must not have a big foot because he does not leave a big carbon footprint. He does not lie, junk really matters. You do not know it, but the water bottle that you drink out of could have been recycled. Do not say that it is dirty. They of course clean it so it is not dirty. We should be happy that someone stills cares about our environment because soon the world will be very dirty. You can make a big change if you just recycle. So when you and your family go out to eat choose places like Ryans or Mr. Gattis because they recycle too. So I hope that you recycle and if you do not recycle I hope that you do in the future to come. That is why recycling is so important. So you heard it from me and our guest speaker JUNK MATTERS.

Haley Foster

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Walk to School week

Last week was full of fun activities for Walk to School week! Here are some great pictures from our super hero themed Walk to School day on Wednesday! Enjoy!

PS: Look for more blogs this week about a guest speaker we've had and some of our awesome action plans!! 

-Miss Glay

Friday, October 4, 2013

Awesome Amphibians

Amphibians are cold blooded. They breathe with gills part of their life then breathe with lungs for the other half of their life. Amphibians have moist or smooth skin. Most lay eggs in water. Some amphibians we can name are frogs, toads, salamanders ,the water holding frog, and the desert-living spade foot toad.

The frog can lay eggs in water.

The toad jumps different than the frogs.

By: Carissa, Kaden, Haley, Matthias

Beautiful Birds

      Birds lay eggs. All birds are biped. All of the birds have feathers. All birds have lungs to breathe with. They have a constant body temperature. They have feathers, wings, 2 feet, a beak, and the nose, and the mouth is on the beak. Some examples of bird are: Bald Eagles, Humming Birds, peacock, Blue Bird, Crow, Hawk, Wood Pecker, are some examples.

Peacocks have a verity of feathers on the tail.

A bald eagle is our national bird.
By: Cameron,Sarah,Kayley,Evan

Funky Fish

Fish are organisms that have gills. Gills are important to fish because they help them breathe. Fins help fish swim. Most fish lay eggs, and have more than one baby. Fish have scales, not plates. Fish are cold- blooded and change with water temperature.

Here are some examples of fish!

1. Angler fish

2. Clown fish

3. Puffer fish

4. Rainbow Trout

5. Seahorse

Rainbow fish live in fresh water. They eat fly eggs.

Angler fish look like fish.

By: Boyce, Alyssa, Lauren, Collin

Rocking Reptiles

Reptiles are organisms that are cold-blooded, have back bones, and live on land and water. Some reptiles include turtles, chameleons, snakes, alligators, and lizards. These animals can‘t make their own food. Reptiles are consumers. All reptiles have scales. 

The posionous Black Mamba is the fastest snake and it goes up to fourteen miles per hour.

The Sun's heat will quickly warm the chameleon's body.

By: Caroline, Emma Kate, Bryson, Kevin


Marvelous Mammals

Mammals give live birth to their babies. Mammals are also  vertebrates  which means they have a backbone. Mammals are warm blooded which means their body heat stays the same. Mammals don’t use photosynthesis they hunt to kill other animals for their nutrients. Sometimes there  are exceptions.Some mammals are biped which means  they have two feet. Some examples of mammals  are humans ,bats, whales , dolphins ,foxes, and  tigers.

Dolphins may look like a fish, but they are mammals.

Tigers are mammals because they give live birth.

By: Brayson, Bailey, Hailey R., Izabella

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Where is John?

Just a cute little video for you... :)

The students loved this song! Each verse featured a different explorer. Students voted that this was their best performed verse that they wanted to feature on our blog!!
Also, last week Lauren won a show and tell pass and she brought her pet rabbit, JoJo, to share! We all got to hold JoJo and we even talked about what classification of animal JoJo is! How cute!

Written by Miss Glay